File sharing refers to the active sharing of computer files on the network. In general, file sharing uses P2P mode, and the file itself exists on the user's personal computer. Most people who participate in file sharing also download shared files provided by other users. Sometimes the two actions are linked.

Simply put, P2P, peer-to-peer, directly connects people and enables them to interact directly through the Internet. P2P makes communication on the network easier, more direct sharing and interaction. P2P means that people can connect directly to other users' computers and exchange files, instead of connecting to servers to browse and download as in the past.

Google has played a huge role in the P2P file sharing. Google invested in the lending club to perform the interest in P2P lending. Also, Google has its feature on sharing Google Play. 

Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other May 10, 2013 http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2013/05/10/182651552/peers-find-less-pressure-borrowing-from-each-other


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