Is Wechat better or worse then the real thing?

I decided to chose the topic on the Analysis of social Networking: Better or worse then the real thing? Everything has a double side, and it usually turn out in an opposite direction. In this modern world, social networking is taking a huge place in people's life. Along with all the advantages it brings to daily life, disadvantages also appear in the surface. 
Among all the social media tools, I decided to chose an App called "Wechat". I will use this social media as the example for my analysis to analyse how Wechat brings benefits as well as encumbrances. 


  1. I rarely use WeChat here in the States, but I been reading on the news how WeChat is such a popular application in China. I wish it was more popular here since it has a lot of functions such as calling a taxi, paying for items with the app, using it as a social media platform, etc. I know it is so popular in China that most people in China use it to pay for everyday items such as clothing, groceries, and household appliances. However, I don't see any negative effects that WeChat has except that it the application can stop working. I really want to read more about the negative effects that WeChat has when you are done with your paper.

  2. I definitely agree with you that Social Networking has been taking a big role in peoples' lives. Being attached to our electronic devices has many downsides as well as many upsides. I find it very interesting that you are choosing the WeChat app because I have never heard of it before. I'm glad I got to learn about something new today by reading your blog post!

  3. I am also writing a similar paper as you!!! I like the fact that you stated how everything has a double side, like the good and the bad. I have heard of WeChat but never used it personally. Most of my Asian friends use it. It seems similar to WhatsApp right? After reading about your ideas, I think I also want to focus on certain social medias to be specific. I think talking about more than one social media app would be better since it is a 10 page research paper. Good luck on your paper!


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